
The product is automatically built into a Docker image, which is pushed to the SDSS GitHub Container Registry New commits to the main branch are tagged as latest in the image, while git tags are tagged with the same version number. The Dockerfile is linked here. The default entrypoint to the container will run the actor.

To run the actor as a Docker container (for production, replace latest with the desired tag):

$ docker pull
latest: Pulling from
5d3b2c2d21bb: Pull complete
3fc2062ea667: Pull complete
75adf526d75b: Pull complete
008b9e4aa9fb: Pull complete
6e2be73a0b44: Pull complete
271dfd2e19e9: Pull complete
7c98efabc49f: Pull complete
da2e0799db78: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:a797ebd6dde34098e8ae1e1a26a067a8211192bdc845e9f3fc576074447c2bf4
Status: Downloaded newer image for

$ docker run --name archon --rm --detach --network host

The container needs access to the host network to connect to the Archon controller(s) (usually on port 4242) and to the RabbitMQ instance (usually on port 5672). There are different ways to accomplish that (see the documentation for Bridge networking and this thread) but the easiest one is to use the host network by passing --network host as we did above. Note that this breaks the isolation of the container in ways that may be unsafe.