archon’s documentation#

This is the documentation for the SDSS Python product archon. The current version is 0.13.4. You can install the package by doing

$ pip install sdss-archon

Development and issue tracking happens at the GitHub repository.

Running the actor#

A simple CLI interface is provided to run the actor.

$ archon --help
Usage: archon [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Archon controller

  -p, --profile [boss|lvm]  The profile to use. If not provided, infered
                            from the domain name.
  -c, --config FILE         Path to the user configuration file.
  -v, --verbose             Debug mode. Use additional v for more details.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  actor*  Runs the actor.

To start the actor in detached (daemon) mode run archon actor start. This is roughly equivalent to the following script

archon_actor = ArchonActor.from_config(config_file)
await archon_actor.start()
await archon_actor.run_forever()

Use the flag --debug with archon actor start to prevent the process from detaching, which is useful for development and debugging.

A list of available actor commands is described here and can also be output using the actor command help. The JSONSchema of the actor replies can be consulted here.

archon is also continuously built as a Docker image. See the corresponding section for details.
